According to Ayurveda, the body humor is categorized into three - vata, pitta and kapha. This is together called as tridoshas (tri in sanskrit means three and dosha means that which is capable of causing a disease or in simple words fault) or dosha.
Health in Ayurveda is a balance between physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. And foundation for this is basically 5 elements namely - air, water, fire, space and earth (known as panchabhuatas). Combinations of these elements constitutes the tridoshas.
1. Vata:
Vata is a combination of air and space. This category otherwise is termed as ether. Their body is generally considered to be cold and people who belong to this category are slim and considered very creative. Their health will be highly dependent on the weather. There are certain health issues that is specific to this group like digestive problems, sleep related issues (mostly insomnia), circulation related issues and will have severe mood swings.
People in the vata category should focus more on mental health and should adapt a healthy life style which includes meditation, balanced diet and regular physical exercise. Also, it is important to consume food that is hot.
2. Pitta
Pitta as a combination of fire and water. People of pitta prakruti will have a well built body, good skin and will be very focused. They will be very much self determined and will have clear goals. They will be generally short tempered and have to work on controlling their anger. Their body will be usually very hot.
People of pitta prakruti should avoid very hot and spicy food. Their body will be very much prone to inflammations and should focus on maintaining a good diet plan which excludes red meat, spicy and fried food items.
3. Kapha
Kapha is a combination of water and earth. People of kapha prakruti is generally prone to weight gain and are emotionally very stable and empathetic. They are very prone to heart diseases and they often over sleep.
People of this category should make it a point to have a good sleep cycle also should maintain a proper diet. Physical exercise is a must for kapha prakruti and mostly people of this category will be very reluctant to spend time for exercise or any other physical activities.
Content by:
Dr. Anagha V
Founder, Swastha Ayurveda
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