Ramayana Masam or Karkidakam is one month in the Malayalam calendar that has rituals and practices attached. From the recital of the epic Ramayana to Pithrutarpanam( a ritual for the dead), the month has a special aura to itself. Why is Karkidakam the month dedicated to personal health and well being? Read on.
Image courtesy: Prasath G
Seasons do contribute positively and adversely to human health. Accordingly, precautionary treatments and food habits are developed in all ancient health realms.
The Malayalam month Karkidakam( from mid-July to mid August approximately), was the season of rain in Kerala. Torrential downpour used to leave the farming community devastated and people were out of job and income. To top up the misery, tagging along with rain came diseases. But, olden days were indeed golden and nothing could stop the believing community from fighting the adversities. In olden days hence, the month was the one dedicated to building of immunity and the upkeep of health using medicines.
Through the age-old practice of Ayurveda, especially in Kerala, the people practised certain special food habits, oil baths and some traditional methods to enhance the defence mechanism of the body and to retard the process of ageing.
Now though seasons have changed and so have practices, yet some remain untouched. These practices have grown in fame and has popularity world wide. People from different corners of the world come to India, especially Kerala to know about this and experience the merits. People who follow the practices and keep up with the food modifications get rejuvenated and is all geared up to meet the coming months of activity, fun and happiness!
Content by: Dr A Vijayan
Head of Ayurveda Department, RGCH
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